This page contains a listing of all David G Duke/DGD Media online stores, where you may purchase David G Duke/DGD Media products and services. Please note that many of these shops are a work in progress, and new products are being added all the time. Additionally we are in the process of reorganizing our shops and stores, therefore products you may expect to find at one particular shop might still be at another. Also, we have not listed the private store on that we use for our graphic design clients, that store is only for those clients to privately order their designs in printed formats, when contacting us about graphics design services we will be happy to explain more about how this “store” functions. Thank you, and happy shopping!

Night Creature 67:
The official store for Night Creature 67, Pillow Talk video productions, and the new Bewitching Hour 2.0 video productions, which are a family friendly version of the pillow talk videos. This will be the official home for all related fan gear!

DGD Photography:
While I'm by no means a professional photographer, although I have had some classes in it, I still love to take pictures and every so often get some good ones which will be displayed here on a variety of products. Although much of the photography I do lately is being used for backgrounds in my digital art creations and sometimes even in my graphics creations, I still like to sell the actual photographs and present them to the public in their original unedited form.

I suppose I should put a bit of a trigger warning here as some of my photography depicts animals both wild and domestic, so if you have a phobia of certain animals such as snakes, reptiles, or spiders, there may be photos of those in here, and may trigger a response, so proceed with caution. Otherwise enjoy my works!

Reality Infusion:
A combination of digital animation, text, and photography, combining to make a unique form of fantasy art, or abstract photo manipulations . Many pieces include the “House of Dave” anime characters that I have created over the years. Art Works available on Posters, prints, bags, and a plethora of home decor and furnishings.

Wheel of the Year
As the wheel turns through the years, days into weeks into months, there are many holidays and celebrations that we may encounter throughout the year. This store contains imagery and graphics inspired by those different holidays. Please keep in mind that the items listed here depict imagery only inspired specifically by one holiday or another, and there may be other items such as ornaments and such pertaining to a particular holiday in my other stores.

DGD Graphics
Logos, and other graphics by David G Duke. The fun stuff that doesn't fit in the digital art or photography categories, although there may be some cross over with the digital art creations. Graphics that deviate from the norm, and stand out from the crowd. I am often asked, by potential clients, what can I do for them that others can’t? My favorite answer is I can often do what others say can’t be done, or more specifically what others just don’t want to do.

David G Fashions
This store began as a place to display my abstraction men's tie collection; which is still displayed here on this store. However the abstraction collection grew into more than just ties and is now on a second store which you can find the link to on, this current incarnation of my Zazzle store, David G Fashions contains my abstraction tie collection, other tie designs, t-shirts, hats, aprons, and a bunch of fashion accessories of various types. Basically anything wearable that I can design through

Abstraction: a fashion accessories collection from Oneida NY based Designer David G Duke and David G Fashions, started in fall of 2014, which creates prints through photo manipulation. Each season I will be bringing you 13 new abstractions, from my old photos, most of which are ones that I over exposed, under exposed, or just wasn’t happy with as a photograph. The photos are manipulated to create an abstract like print that can be used on a variety of surfaces. The original abstraction collection originally consisted only of men’s ties; however this abstraction store was opened after I received requests for the prints on other items. The designs in this collection are for the individual that wants to stand out from the crowd, owning these designs will grab people’s attention, and not let it go.

DGD Media:
My first store on Zazzle, and it's now back to what it was originally meant to be, a store for fan gear of David G Duke music. Itt will also be the official fan gear store for older DGD media productions such as the Bewitching Hour, Dave Time, and any other live stream shows that I did in the past. Future DGD Media video production fan gear will be now on the Night Creature 67 page.

Music MP3 Store:
As the name implies, an online source for David G Duke music in MP3 format, either as MP3 albums or single tracks. For hard copy CDs of my music please use the links on the music page of or search David G Duke on

Trash to Treasure:
This store started as an outlet for my handmade fashion accessories and home furnishings, the name comes from the fact that many of the items are crafted from recycled materials, or fabric remnants. Over time this store grew to include antiques, collectables, and even some DGD Media produced digital media such as screen savers. Many items here are one-of-a-kind or limited edition.

Society 6 Store:
To find David G duke visual are creations on even more fun products such as stools, and other furniture, check out our Society 6 store.